Agiliron Version 13.4 Product Release
August 10, 2020 - 5 minutes readVersion 13.4 Release Details
Products & Inventory
- New PriceBook Manager Wizard for Pricing Management Automation
- New Pricebook Wizard with the following major capabilities:
- Editing of Multiple Pricebooks in Spreadsheet format
- Support for MS-Excel style formulas that reference other Pricebooks, Unit Cost etc.
- Matrix Item Products are displayed as one Sku per row (Matrix SKU Code necessary)
- Operating Data Set Selection in first step of the Wizard – filter for Product Category, Manufacturer, Vendor, Product Type, Pricebooks and select the Product field columns to include as columns in the editing spreadsheet. Selections made in this step persist for the next time user returns to the Pricebook Wizard.
- Export of Changes to MS-Excel file.
- New Pricebook Wizard with the following major capabilities:
- Stock Location Deactivation
- Settings > Company Information > Stock Locations – now includes an “Active” checkbox.
- If this is set to “off”, the Stock Location is no longer displayed in “Deliver From/To” drop-downs in Account, SO, PO, Shipping, Receiving etc. and is also excluded in Exports/Reports as well.
- This allows for Deactivation of a Stock Location without deleting it and keeping the historical information in the process.
- Stock Adjustments – New CSV Import
- Available now at the bottom of the “Products > Products” page as shown below.
- Click the “Download Template” link to download the format spreadsheet template.
- Click “Import Products” and select “Inventory Adjustments Only” in Step 2 of the Import Wizard.
Transaction Modules
- Select Template PDF Email – Now Customize Content Feature
- The “Select Template PDF” button in the Sales Order page (and other transaction modules like Quotes, POs, Sales Returns etc.) allows the user to generate a PDF document for that transaction by selecting a template from the list of Templates in “Settings > Templates” and email that generated PDF document for this transaction to recipient(s).
- This release adds the flexibility for the user to Customize the Subject and the Content of the body of the email before sending it out to the recipients (the default email body content comes from the “Settings > Templates > Email Select Template PDF” template). The PDF document attached to the email will continue to be based on the selected Template.
- Please contact to enable this for your instance.
- New Tooltips for Products, Vendors, Account, Contacts, Potentials, PO Returns Shipping List Views
- Products, Vendors, Account, Contact, Potentials, PO Returns Shipping modules List View now includes Tooltips on the relevant columns in those modules.
- The Tooltip displays information regarding the entity in the respective module so you can review this information with a mouse over without having to click into each order.
- The small “Green” circle next to the column label header will indicate if a column has tooltips – as we expand the tooltip support to other modules and fields, you will see this where tooltips are available.
- Just mouse over a row in the column and you will see the tooltip popup as shown in the screenshot below.
- New DataCandy Loyalty Integration
- New Integration with Data Candy ( for Enterprise grade Loyalty Program services.
- Agiliron now featured on the BigCommerce App Store
Warehouse Management App (Enterprise+ Only)
- Session Data Persistence Added
- Previous to this version being released, when the user logs out of the WH App or the device goes to sleep, all the data in the WH App at that time is lost and the user has to start over syncing the Products & Orders from BackOffice.
- We have implemented Data Persistence now so that the App is restored to the previous state when the user logs back in and picks it up where user was after performing any tasks in the App and not synched to BackOffice.
- User can sync Products & Orders from BackOffice if needed to reload it as before.
- A Session Clock that warns the user before the App Closes due to inactivity also has been added – the Session Timeout is set to 5 mins. The user can log back in after the auto-logout and the session will be restored on next login.
- Stock Transfer Flow Improvements
- User Interface improvements in the Stock Transfer Product Selection screen.
The release of this version of the App is pending with Apple for approval – will be available on your device updates once approved.