Ebusiness Software
Details of the Agiliron Ebusiness Modules
Ebusiness Software
The AGILIRON Integrated EBusiness Software Suite seamlessly integrates the management of multiple online sales channels to the Back-Office and Front-Office modules.
The ebusiness software channels could include
- One or more Fully integrated B2B and B2C AGILIRON Web Store(s) hosted by AGILIRON
- One or more Remote Web Store(s) hosted by your solution provider
- Online marketplaces like eBay...the supported marketplaces will expand in the future
The unified management of one or more of these channels that the business participates in using the AGILIRON EBusiness Software is accomplished through the following high-level steps:
- Choose which products to sell thru which channel...upload the pictures, inventory, descriptions only once
- Select the appropriate pricing for the channel - sale or auction formats (depending on the supported formats in the respective channel)
- Transactions from all channels are captured in real time - Orders, Customers
- Use the Back-Office and Front-Office modules for order management, payment, fulfillment, customer support and accounting processes
Addition or experimentation of new sales channels and reaching new customer marketplaces has never been easier with the AGILIRON EBusiness Software!
Ebusiness Software - Benefits
AGILIRON B2B and B2C Web Store
- Hosted by AGILIRON
- Hosting cost included in AGILIRON service subscription pricing
- One vendor to go to for all your solution needs
- Tighter integration with AGILIRON Back-Office and Front-Office modules
- Complete mapping of Product Catalog, Pricing and other feature sets to Web Store
- Do not have to maintain, learn and support two different systems as they evolve over time with one integrated ebusiness software suite
- AGILIRON B2B and B2C Web Store - Detailed Features
Remote Web Store
- Hosted by Your Web Store Solution Provider
- Integrate seamlessly with AGILIRON ECommerce ERP Back-Office and Front-Office modules, take advantage of AGILIRON interface for product catalog management, product pricing, order management, fulfillment, accounting and other functions
- Retain your investment in current store implementation and employee training
- Less disruption to your business and customers of current store
- Focus on capabilities that bring immediate value to business as opposed to replacement of existing working solutions - quick transition & ROI, transition existing solutions over time as it makes sense for your business
- Remote Web Store - Detailed Features
eBay Marketplace & eBay Stores
- One click access to the large eBay marketplace as a sales channel in AGILIRON system
- Integrate seamlessly with AGILIRON Back-Office and Front-Office modules
- Take advantage of AGILIRON interface for your listing and monitoring progress of bids
- Support for all pricing formats - Chinese/Dutch auctions, Fixed Prices, Reserve, Buy it Now
- Real-time capture of customer queries, completed transactions, customer feedback
- eBay Integration - Detailed Features
Ebusiness Software - Detailed Features
AGILIRON B2B and B2C Web Store
Hosted by AGILIRON
Product Catalog
- Hierarchical Categories
- Browse By - Custom Fields
- Multiple Images per Product
- Short and Long Descriptions
- Featured Listings
- Basic and Advanced Product Search
- Promotional Banners
- Top Selling Products
- Strike Out Pricing for Specials or Promotions
- Stock Item Quantity and Availability
- SKU (e.g. Color, Size) Selection/Pricing
- Customer Product Reviews
- Search Engine Optimization
- Google Base Integration
- Google Analytics Integration
Shopping Cart
Payment Modules
- Authorize.net
- PayPal
- PayPal Website Pro
- Offline Credit Cards
- Secure Processing
Shipping Modules
- Table Rate Shipping
- Unlimited Geographical Zones
- Handling Fees
- Mapping to Carrier and Shipping Method
Customer Management
- Account Preferences Management
- Order Status & Tracking
- Problem Reporting
- FAQ/Knowledge Base
- Tell a Friend
WebStore Design
Site Administration
- Customization of Modules
- HTML Editor for Content Management of Standard Pages
- Ability to Create and Manage Content for Custom Pages
- Full Integration to AGILIRON Back-Office & Front-Office
B2B Specific Features
- Password Protected Site
- Passphrase for Account Creation, Specify Message for Customer
- Reseller ID, Tax ID Fields for Customer Account
- B2B Account ID management from CRM (custom link for customer by email - sample template provided)
- Minimum Order Amount
- Minimum Quantity/Product - By Product (any combinations of SKUs)
- Minimum Total Order Quantity - By Order
- Display Inventory Information (Qty in Stock, Qty on PO/Due Date)
- Bulk Add to Cart Table (for quick specification of quantities for multiple skus to add to cart)
- Customer Specific Pricing
- Display Pricing Table Information (Retail, Wholesale, Customer)
Remote Web Store
Hosted by Your Web Store Solution Provider
AGILIRON Integration
- REST API for integration of other stores to AGILIRON
- Push Product Catalog, Pricing, Inventory to Store
- Real-time capture of transactions into AGILIRON Back-Office & Front-Office
- Order Changes/Tracking information Propagated back to Store for Customer access
eBay Marketplace & eBay Stores
Product Listing Setup
- eBay Category Selection
- Create and Update eBay Store Categories automatically
- Auction and Listing Type
- Listing Product & Pricing
- Duration & Schedule
- Payment Settings
- Shipping & Fulfillment Settings
- Tax Settings
eBay Listing
- Start, Reserve, Buy It Now Pricing
- Chinese Auctions
- Fixed Price
- On eBay Auctions and eBay Stores
- Support for Revise, Cloning and Relisting
- Support for eBay Multi Variation Listings (Matrix Items)
View all listings on eBay and status of bids
Real-time capture of transactions into AGILIRON Back-Office & Front-Office
Order Changes/Tracking propagated to eBay
Questions to Seller captured into Front-Office as Tickets - respond from Agiliron
Seller/Bidder Feedback captured